The Gutfulness Method

My Signature Expert Programme

A 16-Week Science-based, Personalised Approach To Gut Health Challenges

My signature programme is designed for individuals who have been struggling with chronic digestive symptoms, specifically Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO).

If you have experienced years of frustration with conventional medicine and have been unable to find symptom relief, my signature method offers a tailored approach to address the root causes of your symptoms.

This programme is ideal for those seeking a science-based and personalised approach to their gut health challenges. Whether you have tried various diets, medications, or lifestyle changes without success, my approach involves optimising your gut microbiome, implementing lifestyle strategies that support optimal digestion, and incorporating complementary therapies to support the gut-brain axis.

A whole-body approach to optimise your microbiome-gut-brain health and help you overcome chronic digestive symptoms

  • One of the main reasons gut-healing protocols often don't work is because many practitioners only focus on the gut itself, forgetting about the rest of the digestive system. To effectively address digestive problems, we need to look at the whole GI tract - from the mouth all the way down to the stomach, liver, gallbladder, gut and the gut microbiome. By optimising the entire digestive system, we achieve better, long-lasting results.

How It Works

One-To-One Gut Health Expert Support

The process begins with a complimentary 15-minute call to discuss your concerns and how I can assist you. This initial conversation allows me to determine if my programme aligns with your specific needs and goals.

If you decide to move forward, I will invite you to my client portal, which serves as a centralised platform for all communication and support. Before your first appointment, I will send you a comprehensive nutrition and health questionnaire, as well a 3-day food diary to be filled out. These forms provide valuable insights into your current health status and dietary habits, enabling me to gain a deeper understanding of your unique situation.

Our first appointment is 60 minutes long and during this time we will delve into your health history, concerns, and any initial thoughts I may have. Education is a key component of my approach, so I will ensure that you are well-informed about the possible underlying factors contributing to your symptoms.

Following our discussion, I will take the time to create a personalised plan specifically tailored to your needs. This plan will include dietary advice, lifestyle recommendations, supplement suggestions, and guidance on laboratory tests, when needed.

To support your journey, I provide meal plans, food shopping list and informational handouts, all designed to help you implement the recommendations effectively. You will also have the option to reach out to me via email with any questions or concerns that may arise as you navigate the programme.

Following the delivery of your personalised plan, you will implement my recommendations across the next 8 weeks, during which I closely monitor your progress. Towards the end of the initial phase, I will schedule your follow-up appointment. During the second appointment, we check your progress, make adjustments to your personalised plan, and interpret any test results. We continue refining your plan to achieve long-term gut health and symptom relief.

The same process applies to your third appointment, which will take place 8 weeks later. We refine your plan based on your progress. Throughout the entire 16-week process, I dedicate a significant amount of my time to ensure a successful outcome.

In addition to providing comprehensive guidance, I also believe in a collaborative approach to your healthcare. If necessary, I will liaise with your primary doctor to request medical tests or medications that can further support your health. By working closely with your healthcare team, I can ensure a well-rounded and integrative approach to your gut and overall health.

What’s Included

Regain Control Of Your Gut Health

  • 15-minute call to discuss your concerns and determine how I can help

  • Client portal for centralised communication and support

  • Comprehensive nutrition, lifestyle and health assessment

  • Food diary analysis to gain insights into dietary and lifestyle habits

  • 1x 60-minute initial appointment to delve into health history and concerns

  • 2x 45-minute appointments to assess progress and adjust plan

  • Personalised plan tailored to individual needs

  • Dietary advice, lifestyle recommendations, supplement protocol

  • Collaboration with primary doctors for medical tests or medications, if needed

  • Interpretation of laboratory test results, when applicable

  • Provision of meal plans, food shopping lists, and informational handouts

  • Weekly email support for any questions or concerns

  • Close monitoring of progress

  • 1:1 support over the course of 16 weeks

  • £1,200

    Payment plan available. Please note supplements and tests are not included in the programme cost.

If you are ready to take control of your gut health, overcome chronic digestive symptoms, and regain your quality of life, my signature gut health programme is here to support you every step of the way. Schedule a complimentary call to discuss your needs, and let me help you get your life back on track.

Advanced Health Tests

I work with the world’s leading laboratories to offer a wide range of advanced functional tests. This is not a complete list but includes the tests I often use in my practice. Please note test costs are not included in the package prices and in order to interpret your results and provide you with a plan of action I require that you sign up to one of my services.

  • IBS Smart test is a blood test that measures the levels of two validated IBS biomarkers known to be elevated in the blood of patients with post-infectious IBS. The two antibodies measured are anti-CdtB and anti-vinculin. If either antibody measures over the established threshold, then post-infectious IBS (IBS-D or IBS-M) can be diagnosed with confidence.

  • The breath test measures hydrogen and methane gases in response to lactulose, a disaccharide (consisting of fructose and galactose) which is poorly absorbed by the intestine. If SIBO is present, the bacteria will begin to metabolise lactulose before it reaches the large intestine, causing an early increase in gas production. The remaining lactulose will then reach the large intestine, causing a second increase in gas production.

  • Gut microbiome stool test using qPCR & ELISA technology to provide a comprehensive analysis of the GI ecosystem and chronic disease-related microbial markers, which are backed by the clinical literature.

  • The Coeliac profile is a blood test that measures important markers to aid in the diagnosis of Coeliac Disease including Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibodies (IgG, IgA), Gliadin (Deamidated) Antibody (IgG, IgA), IgA (Immunoglobulin A). I also offer the Coeliac Panel as above with HLA Typing.

  • Cyrex™ is a Clinical Immunology Laboratory Specialising in Functional Immunology and Autoimmunity. Cyrex™ offers multi-tissue antibody testing for the early detection and monitoring of today’s complex autoimmune conditions.

Not sure this programme is for you?

Book a free call to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.